‘Law of Attraction’

“What you have become is the result of what you have thought”

Gautama Buddha

Proponents of the modern ‘Law of Attraction’ claim that it has roots in Quantum Physics. According to the ‘law of attraction’, thoughts have an energy that attracts like energy. In order to control this energy, proponents state that people must practice four things:

  1. Know what one desires and ask the universe for it. (The “universe” is mentioned broadly, stating that it can be anything from God to an unknown source of energy.)
  2. Focus one’s thought upon the thing desired with great feeling such as enthusiasm or gratitude.
  3. Feel and behave as if the object of one’s desire is already acquired.
  4. Be open to receiving it.

Thinking of what one does not have, manifests itself in the perpetuation of not having. Proponents say that by abiding by these principles, and avoiding “negative” thoughts, the Universe will manifest a person’s desires.



さて、課題は如何にして光と影の問題を解決し、光のみの人生にするかだ。大きなヒントになるのが「もののみ見方」と「考え方」だと思う。 今日ある自分の姿が今までの思考が作り出した現実だとすれば、まずはその現実と正面から向き合い受け入れることだ。受け入れ感謝すること。そうすることによって全てをポジティブに転化することが可能になる。自分の人生は素晴らしいと思わなければ、素晴らしい人生は訪れないはずだ。今、何に対して感謝出来るのかが将来を決めるといっても間違いではないと思う。


