京セラ 稲盛氏のインタビューから

USA Todayの記事感想です。京セラの稲盛氏がインタビューに応えたものですが、私はこういった方が日本の経済界におられる事を日本人として誇りに感じます。青文字は私のコメント。


Kyocera founder Kazuo Inamori criticizes U.S. CEO excesses

The global financial crisis and recession has Kazuo Inamori rethinking capitalism. The 77-year-old founder of Kyocera(KYO), a Japanese maker of products ranging from cellphones to ceramics with annual revenue close to $13 billion, was part of Japan’s post-World War II resurgence that embraced capitalism to become the world’s No. 2 economy. USA TODAY corporate management reporter Del Jones interviewed Inamori via e-mail. Translated excerpts, edited for clarity and space:

Q: The 20th century ended with the greatest prosperity in human history. Doesn’t capitalism deserve the credit?

A: Capitalism was able to bring previously unknown levels of prosperity to humankind. We have now fallen into an unprecedented recession brought about by capitalism. With humankind’s unlimited desire to earn more profits and live more affluent lifestyles, financial institutions launched new instruments, such as derivatives, using advanced mathematics and statistics. They created enormous profits by leveraging funds that were 10 times larger than their assets. This human desire caused the economic collapse. While the past prosperity resulted directly from the achievements of capitalism, the present difficulties have resulted from capitalism’s excesses.


Q: Leverage has not always been bad. Won’t there be times when Kyocera competitors will do far better because they are willing to take a risk with leverage?

A:You are right. It’s easy to outperform companies like Kyocera. Companies make huge profits by leveraging their capital. However, if society and employees need a company, then it has to be maintained so it can grow for a long time. This is a company’s mission, to maintain and expand for the long haul. The correct way to manage a company is to have a firm financial foundation that is capable of overcoming economic downturns rather than making a significant profit in the short term. I will continue to aim for stable management even though we are facing harsh economic challenges.


Q: Is the USA abandoning its laissez-faire roots and going to Europe’s version of capitalism with more governmental intrusion?

A: No. The government stepped in to rescue struggling financial institutions and automakers from bankruptcy. The aim is not nationalization, but temporary relief. Once the economy recovers, there will be a return to free-market capitalism.


Q: Is it fair to Japanese automakers for the government to subsidize GM and Chrysler?

A: The same measures would probably be taken in Japan and Europe to provide relief for a company on the verge of a crisis. In that regard, I would say that it is fair.


Q: Haven’t alternatives to capitalism been proved by history to fail?

A: Overcoming the current difficulties will require us to refine the free-market economic model that we have come to value above all others. However, I do not believe that this crisis represents the failure of capitalism. We must use the wisdom of humankind to modify the current form of capitalism into a more moderate version.



Q: How so?

A: We need to seek profits supported by sound ethics and a strong sense of morality. From the Eastern viewpoint, profits should be pursued for the good of society, and not only for one’s self. There is the principle of “enough is enough,” that one’s greed should be contained. There might be slight differences in how we interpret these concepts depending on our cultural or religious background, but I think the free-market economy will move in a better direction if people were to share such values.


Q: You volunteer your time to mentor 5,000 leaders of small to midsize companies through a management school called Seiwajyuku. What do you teach these executives?

A: I tell them to seek profits by doing the right thing as a human being. No company can generate long-term profit unless it makes every stakeholder happy. Altruism will bring a company the right profit and long-term growth. I encourage business leaders to keep their own compensation reasonable and manage their business with altruism. They contribute not only to themselves but also to the people around them. Top executives should manage their companies by earning reasonable profits through modesty, not arrogance, and taking care of employees, customers, business partners and all other stakeholders with a caring heart. I think it’s time for corporate CEOs of the capitalist society to be seriously questioned on whether they have these necessary qualities of leadership.


Q: Sounds like you are a critic of high CEO compensation. Doesn’t their pay reflect free-market forces?

A: A lot of Americans use that rationale. But there are only a handful of exceptional athletes who attract tens of thousands of fans, thus creating enormous revenue for the team. A star player who possesses that rare talent should receive an appropriately higher salary. It is the same for an actor who stars in a blockbuster film. It is different for the CEO of a company. Profits are created by the hard work and collaboration of the workers and other levels of management. For the top echelon to receive such high compensation, as if they alone were responsible for the profits, is unreasonable. We should possess the consideration and humility to provide all employees who work for the company with an appropriate share of the gains. That is lacking in today’s capitalism or free-market economy, and its absence is responsible for the growing disparity, discrimination and injustice in society.


Q: You say that the greatest threat to the environment lies in the limitless expansion of human desire. Is that an affront to capitalism?

A: There is a limit to the amount of food and energy on the planet. It should be clear to anyone that an endlessly more affluent and comfortable lifestyle is impossible to maintain in light of the finite nature of the Earth’s resources. It is impossible for humankind to prosper on this planet indefinitely under the current form of capitalism. The time has come to fundamentally rethink how nature and living beings can coexist and live symbiotically within the limited space of our planet.

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