CMS導入事例:Sanyo Corporation of America様

この度弊社では、Sanyo Corporation of America様のWebサイトリニューアルを担当させていただきました。


◆Sanyo Corporation of America

Sanyo Corporation of America様のご紹介

Sanyo Corporation of America is the US subsidiary of Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd, an International Trading Company with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. We specialize in raw materials and additives for the chemical and rubber industries, as well as plastic film for the printing and solar industries. Furthermore, we have a portfolio of scientific and laboratory instruments. Our office in Detroit handles automotive parts. We provide value to our customers through expertise, fast response and reliability, and fully utilize our international network to find the best solution. Based on this, we enjoy long-standing relationships with customers, suppliers and local dealers. Sanyo Corporation of America has been serving the US market for more than 50 years.

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